15 April 2021 - ReaDI-Watch Webinar
Online Webinar
Thursday 15th of April 9.30am
To register for your free place: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/readi-watch-webinar-arclabs-tickets-147764506617

About this Event
Maximise your Return on R&D Investment & R&D Tax Incentives: ReaDI-Watch Webinar
Does your company invest in Research, Development and Innovation and annually claim for the available R&D tax incentives ?
If you do, would like to put more of a structure around your efforts and make sure you're not missing out on any expenditure ?
If you don’t, would you like to hear how to effectively avail of this incentive to fund your continued investment and future development ?
To address these questions and challenges, we are hosting a webinar to make R&D Tax Incentives and R&D Management more accessible to companies, and to showcase our real-time R&D Management Platform, ReaDI-Watch©.
Speakers Bios
David Byrne, Founder & CEO of ReaDI-Watch Ltd., seeks to transform the way companies across the globe manage R&D. By managing R&D in real-time and on the cloud, companies can maximise R&D funding and R&D tax incentives, and get the best return on R&D investment. ReaDI-Watch© is a digital platform for your company to manage R&D in real-time, with time & cost saving features like automated R&D Tax Credit technical reports. (www.readi-watch.com)
Gerry Byrne, MD of GB Innovation Ltd., is one of Irelands most Senior International Engineers with over 30 years' experience in Research, Development and Innovation Management. Through intensive work strengthening the R&D and Innovation capability of over 60 companies in Ireland, and strong global network, GB Innovation have developed a scalable methodology to drive forward the field of R&D and Management: the ReaDI-Watch© Platform and Research Readiness Level© Index. (www.gbinnovation.ie)